The I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Mental Health Initiative is an online or in-person Pop-up Mental Health Art Gallery collaboration between WIWIK and select community organizations and leaders, including universities, public and private businesses, hospitals, schools, and municipalities across Canada. 

The I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Mental Health Initiative was developed to help support people across Canada in externalizing and changing their relationship to their mental health challenges, whether the voice of an inner critic or that of a mental illness or diagnosis. 

This Initiative launched in 2021 and is currently in the beta phase. Scroll down to read more about this initiative, how to collaborate with WIWIK, and our exciting and forward thinking collaborators in mental health.

WIWIK™ is both proud and excited to be collaborating with the University of Alberta on bringing the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ mental health initiative to the UAlberta community of students, staff and faculty. Click to learn more!

Interested in being a mental wellness collaborator with WIWIK™ and bringing the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ mental health initiative to your community?  We'd love to hear from you at welcomehome@wiwik.ca

What the heck is a Gremlin anyway?
Your Gremlin is the negative voice inside you that criticizes you or makes you feel bad or shameful. Your Gremlin can also be the voice of a mental health challenge, illness or diagnosis with which you're dealing.

What is the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ mental health initiative based on?
The I Am Not My Gremlin!™ initiative is based on an approach to therapy created by Psychologist Dr. Easter Yassa and used with hundreds of clients that combines and integrates aspects of various research-based treatment approaches, including: ego state therapy, narrative therapy, psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, gestalt therapy, mindfulness and body-focused therapies, and expressive arts therapies. During therapy clients work with Dr. Yassa to externalize their negative critical inner voice or particular mental health challenge as a Gremlin. 

How does it help?
Externalizing our Gremlin allows us to begin to separate from, dialogue with, challenge, and shift our relationship to that which is causing us distress, emotional discomfort or shame. Externalizing from our Gremlin also allows us to begin to see, often for the first time, that the essence of who we are is greater than the mental health challenge that we are experiencing and that we are not defined by it. 

So, what's involved?
The I Am Not My Gremlin!™ mental health initiative involves collaborating with select community organizations and leaders to invite and support community participants to create original written or visual art representing their own Gremlins by following the six (6) I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Steps.

These creations can then be anonymously and voluntarily digitally submitted for display in an online or in-person I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Pop-up Mental Health Art Gallery for others to view and engage with. 

Participants will also be guided how to create and include with their original art gallery submission reflections on 'My Gremlin's Name', 'What My Gremlin Says to Me', and “How I (could) Challenge My Gremlin”.

I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Steps 7-10 can be included, or can be viewed separately through this site by participants interested in continuing their mental health journey to separate from their Gremlin.

How can our community collaborate with you on this?
If you're a community organization or leader interested in collaborating with WIWIK™ to bring the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ initiative to your community, you can start by reaching out to us at welcomehome@wiwik.ca and we'll be happy to chat with you about your vision for mental wellness in your community and how we can support you in achieving it!

What are my options as a community participant in this initiative?
Self-guided participation on your own schedule and pace through viewing online videos that walk you through implementing the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Steps and process. 

Attending one or more scheduled live (online or in-person) workshops where Dr. Easter Yassa will walk you through the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Steps and process.

* Creating your own original written or visual art representing your Gremlin.

Submitting your ar
t to the online or in-person I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Pop-up Mental Health Art Gallery, or creating your own original Gremlin art without submitting it.

What your participation looks like is up to you - your Gremlin journey is your own!

The I Am Not My Gremlin! MISSION
Externalize and shift participants' relationships to the voice of their inner critic or mental health challenge(s),
Increase awareness of mental health challenges,
* Normalize and reduce shame and stigma associated with mental health challenges, 
Increase peer support and empathy, and 
Reduce isolation and increase healthy help seeking behaviour. 

The I Am Not My Gremlin!™ VISION
That all people know they are not alone in coping and dealing with their Gremlin,
That all people see themselves as greater than and not defined by their Gremlin,
That all people let go of shame and stigma and are empowered to give voice to and share about their struggle with their Gremlin,
That all people seek mental wellness and are able to access trained support in coping with and healing from their Gremlin, and
National implementation in schools, universities, private and public businesses, hospitals, clinics, and municipalities. 

Legal Disclaimer: By reviewing and engaging in the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Mental Health Initiative in any way and to any extent you are indicating you understand and agree that Dr. Easter Yassa is not providing you with therapy services and that engagement in any way in this or any other initiative of the non-profit World in Wonder, Integrity & Kindness (WIWIK™) Mental Wellness Foundation does not imply a client or patient relationship in any way with Dr. Easter Yassa. You understand and agree that Dr. Easter Yassa and the nonprofit World in Wonder, Integrity & Kindness (WIWIK™) Mental Wellness Foundation cannot be held liable in any way for any damages that may result from the use, engagement in, or inability to use the content provided herein. You understand and agree that the information in the I Am Not My Gremlin!™ Mental Health Initiative is intended as general educational information only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional help, diagnosis or treatment. If you require additional personal information you are encouraged to seek individual services with a trained mental health professional. If you are in crisis or distress please contact the Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642 or Crisis Services Canada at 1-833-456-4566, visit www.distresscentre.com for online support, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room. Please be advised that Dr. Easter Yassa is a Registered Psychologist licensed in the province of Alberta, Canada, and as such follows the College of Alberta Psychologists Standards of Practice and Practice Guidelines and that, depending on where you are located, Psychologists may have different Standards of Practice or Practice Guidelines they are required to follow.

Official non-profit corporation application has been filed and is currently pending approval by the Alberta government.


World in Wonder, Integrity & Kindness (WIWIK) Mental Wellness Foundation


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